Confirm your property address Click 'Next' if we've got the right details, or click on the text to edit
Currently own this property?
It's important for us to understand the ownership status before starting work
What is the main purpose of this property?
This helps us to better understand the motivations behind your project
Who is (or will be) living in this property?
This helps us to understand who we're designing for, to meet their needs
Generated with Avocode.VectorVectorBackgroundFrameBackgroundVectorVector Adults
Generated with Avocode.BackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorFrameBackgroundGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Children
Generated with Avocode.VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorBackgroundFrameBackgroundGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Pets
How creative would you like us to be with your space?
We work with a wide variety of clients, each with different needs. What are yours?
Have you ever worked with an architect before?
Whether or not you have, we'll provide a service that respects your experience
Do you have any concerns about starting your project?
About the project itself, or about working with us, that we can be mindful of
What are you most looking forward to about your project?
We'll be sure to bear this in mind, to give you the best possible experience
Which spaces would you like us to design (whether existing or new)?
Add as many as applicable, or create custom ones if they're not listed
Generated with Avocode.VectorVectorVectorBackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorFrameBackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Bathroom
Generated with Avocode.BackgroundVectorFrameBackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Bedroom
Generated with Avocode.BackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorFrameBackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Living Room
Generated with Avocode.VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorFrameBackgroundGroupVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorBackground Dining Room
Generated with Avocode.VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorBackgroundFrameBackgroundVectorVectorVectorVectorVector Kitchen
Other Spaces
Do you have any inspiration photos or PDFs you'd like to share with us?
Upload as many as you like
Any Pinterest or website links you would like us to see?
Add a link and give it a name that best lets us know what it shows
Do you have a date in mind, for the construction work to begin?
When do you hope to break ground, or for the contractors to start the building work?
How flexible are you on this timeframe?
Just so we're aware of how important your target date is to you
Do you have an ideal overall budget in mind for your project?
When do you hope to break ground, or for the contractors to start the building work?
Between £ 0 and £ 300,000
How flexible is your budget?
This is incredibly important, to ensure the scope of work never exceeds your means
How are you financing your project?
This is helpful to know so we can offer advice and align with your arrangements
Do you have any of the following services already in place?
We can find quotes for all of these, but select all the ones you've already got sorted
How involved would you like to be in the build phase?
Some clients want a hands-off experience, others want to get stuck in
Additional information