Technical design & construction
We'll prepare your technical drawings, as well as introduce you to the best construction professionals.
Building regulations

These technical drawings cover everything from structure, fire safety, thermal performance, and even sound-proofing. Because of the scope of the work involved, you’ll need several experts in your corner, such as engineers, surveyors, and maybe even an approved inspector. Our Connect service will introduce you to the best companies in your area, while our team consolidate everything into one comprehensive set of drawings.

Building regulations

When it comes to putting your project out for tender, we leave nothing to chance. We’ll not only help you gather quotes from local contractors, our Connect team will ensure you only consider builders we’ve vetted personally. Plus, with the details gathered during building regulations, we’ll help you sleuth out the best price. We make starting construction both safe and easy.

Why building regulations?
Legally you must ensure your build complies with these statutory requirements, which is where our technicians come in. They’ll create the technical drawings your contractor will need in order to create a safe and healthy environment during construction that’s ready for sign-off.
While planning drawings focus on the look of your home, the drawings produced for building regulations are far more complex. They factor in everything from structure, fire safety, all the way to air quality.
Professionals involved
Alongside your technicians, you may also need a structural engineer, surveyors, and approved inspector. Depending on your area, we’ll introduce you to vetted companies near you and bring everything together in one package.
Tailored service
At UDEX, you only pay for the things you need. Our building regulations package provides a number of extras (see below) you can opt for or against. This means you get drawings that are perfectly tailored to you and your needs.
Better build
Our package starts paying off the minute you start the tendering process. The level of detail we provide enables potential contractors to give more accurate quotes, as well as giving a precise guide for them to follow during construction.
Additional services...
From your lighting to your plug sockets, make sure these vital features go exactly where you want them to.
Construction detail
From your lighting to your plug sockets, make sure these vital features go exactly where you want them to.
Scope of works
We’ll help you create a schedule of works that defines for your builder both your expectations for the build and how the work is carried out.
What is Connect?

We want our customers to be in safe hands throughout their project, that’s why we created Connect. Whether you’re looking for the perfect builder, supplier, or building regulations expert, our Connect service introduces you to vetted professionals in your area.

Our advisors will not only find the best for you to choose from, they’ll also guide you through everything from timings, contracts, to assessing quotes. This approach means you secure the best services without the risk of rogue traders. We’re even partners to TrustMark, the only government endorsed quality scheme.

Explore our other services
Architectural design & planning
With our team of architects, designers, planning agents and surveyors in-house, we offer the most comprehensive architectural service for those vital first stages.